This morning was one of those days where nothing goes as planned. To be honest not many days in my life go how I plan, but today was different. A day off, how nice, how refreshing. Days off seem to be far and few between for me, so I treat them with extra care. Generally they involve lots of coffee, nature, reading and quality time with friends.
This morning I woke up, after a pile of vivid dreams, at 7am to God saying: "get up and pray!" To which I responded: "now?!? are you kidding me, its my day off!" "Get up and pray!" "fine". Now most of you know that I love to pray, and that I love to share my prophetic and intercessory gifting with others, in fact it is one of the main ways I show and share my love. And if you ever want prayer just give me a call or stop by cause I will pray for you anytime, anywhere. But it is a totally different thing to be woken up to pray for people (who aren't there) that I don't feel like loving on a good day let alone at 7am on my day off. Anyway, so I prayed ,fortunately it was repeat -after- me prayer and I crawled back into bed and fell back asleep.
Then I awoke suddenly to what sounded like someone power washing the side of our house, which made me jump out of bed because my window was wide open. Thankfully no one was power washing and I have no idea what the sound was. As I crawled back into bed and tried to fall back to sleep God showed me a picture of myself:
I was like a Mr. Potato Head with all of the eyes, ears, mouth, nose, arms, tongue, feet shoved on the inside. As God opened up the back he stated: "Jenny, why are your eyes, ears, mouth, nose, tongue and hands in here...its not where they belong, they belong on the outside!" "I don't know", I replied. "Jenny, your eyes are not suppose to be focused inward, they are supposed to be focused outward on me. Your ears were not made just to hear the sound of your own voice, but to listen to me and to others. Your mouth was made to speak my truth, not to hoard my truth to yourself. Your hands were meant to share and care. And your nose, well frankly, no one's insides smell good, so put it on the outside and smell the flowers!" Talk about a reality check, a way to refocus the day and start again with a new attitude.
The truth is we are like Mr. Potato Head we can choose to put our eyes, ears, mouth, nose, hands, feet wherever we want, we can put them inside ourselves, or in places they aren't suppose to be, or we can choose to put them where they belong, in their proper spots. But the truth is the choice is ours to make. We can choose to smell our insides or we can choose to smell the flowers! May you choose well today.
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